Shutter-Stone: Bluebells by the ocean
Shutter-Stone: Cold typha
Shutter-Stone: Arctostaphylos alpina in fall
Shutter-Stone: Heather and web
Shutter-Stone: Viola canina
Shutter-Stone: Birdsfoot trefoil
Shutter-Stone: Dandelion
Shutter-Stone: Dame's Violet with fly
Shutter-Stone: Cranberry flowers
Shutter-Stone: Droplets on moss
Shutter-Stone: Praising the sun
Shutter-Stone: Digitalis Purpurea. Revebjelle. Foxglove
Shutter-Stone: Calluna vulgaris. Røsslyng. Heather.
Shutter-Stone: Blåknapp - Succisa pratensis - with bee
Shutter-Stone: Burning leaves
Shutter-Stone: Backlit autumn leaves (blueberry)
Shutter-Stone: Autumn leaves
Shutter-Stone: Hvitveis - Anemone nemorosa
Shutter-Stone: Blueberry
Shutter-Stone: The charming chaos of a dandelion colony
Shutter-Stone: Devilsbit by the ocean
Shutter-Stone: To see the great in the small