one big shoe: Nothing But Time
one big shoe: Fore and Aft
one big shoe: Just The Way You Need It
one big shoe: Make it Clear
one big shoe: It Goes To Show
one big shoe: Just Like That
one big shoe: Don't Want You Around
one big shoe: Spirit Was
one big shoe: Know The Signs
one big shoe: Time Well Spent
one big shoe: In Through The Nose
one big shoe: What The Doctor Ordered
one big shoe: First Thing's First
one big shoe: Following Suit
one big shoe: Thirty Minutes Early
one big shoe: Says Who?
one big shoe: Never Play Favorites
one big shoe: Nothing Ever Changes
one big shoe: Interminable
one big shoe: Early Exit
one big shoe: So What
one big shoe: Come and Go
one big shoe: Likewise
one big shoe: Come on Over
one big shoe: Friends and Neighbors
one big shoe: Left Out
one big shoe: Just Because
one big shoe: I Will Follow
one big shoe: Fall Into Place
one big shoe: Just Like That