ken.helal: Osprey: Fernan Lake, Idaho
ken.helal: How About a Little Privacy?
ken.helal: Looking For a Meal
ken.helal: Osprey: Fernan Lake, Idaho
ken.helal: Osprey with lunch
ken.helal: View From Above
ken.helal: Geronimoooooo!
ken.helal: We Are Family
ken.helal: Osprey Looking a Bit Agitated
ken.helal: A little too much "feather" mousse
ken.helal: Fernan Lake osprey
ken.helal: Caught
ken.helal: Osprey with abnormal left leg
ken.helal: Drying Off
ken.helal: Osprey with 2 fish at once!
ken.helal: Some Vegetables Added to a Fish Diet
ken.helal: Successful Catch
ken.helal: Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
ken.helal: Idaho Osprey with Half-Eaten Catch
ken.helal: Caught on Camera During a Meal