olofw: Learn from this man.
olofw: upload
olofw: Jaha, det var ju en jävligt bra sammanfattning på vad den här regeringen lyckats sabba.
olofw: Camera collection and childhood recollection.
olofw: Optical illusion stairs.
olofw: I've got a new address. With balcony. Come visit!
olofw: upload
olofw: Went looking for a doctor, found an author.
olofw: Nor a single Swedish speaking person at that company.
olofw: In today's Bild am Sonntag: "I know every cow (...) promises @elfredjo, hiding last night's hangover behind his Ray-bans."
olofw: New piece in the collection: Sture Johannesson, with IBM, 1990.
olofw: Skyping with @starkefrau's third eye.
olofw: Thanks #theknife. Mind = blown.
olofw: When in doubt, consult this.
olofw: Poser!
olofw: Gaussian Saab.
olofw: Hanging out at my cousin's fort.
olofw: @starkefrau is the southernest person in Sweden.
olofw: Shooting @thisishead today, in the biggest technics player evar.
olofw: Site specific.
olofw: Axe, because first impressions last. #kristian33
olofw: Unbeirrbarkeit.
olofw: So @tikipete. Got time to put this on the arm of @starkefrau during the next 2 weeks?
olofw: It's been great NYC. Thank you. Tomorrow I head back to Berlin.
olofw: Damn you, Chelsea Flea! Now how will I get home with only a carry on?
olofw: The mustache of the artist as a young pup. #dali
olofw: The mustache of the artist as a young pup.
olofw: Suckerberg.
olofw: "Welcome. I've been expecting you."
olofw: ¡Cosecha!