Greenpeace Esperanza: Humpback whale fluke, diving under an iceberg, Southern Ocean
Astro Guy: Kepler Transiting Planet Candidates (Saturated Colours)
andrew_greig: Bentley
andrew_greig: Violin Maker
Capt Kodak: Vintage Kodak Studio Scales Set and Bottle
lecates: she's long gone
andrew_greig: Prague Astronomical Clock
andrew_greig: Old Wall in Prague
andrew_greig: Vienna
andrew_greig: Anouchka
andrew_greig: On Charles Bridge
kim_eij: IMG_1066
tastiger11: Swansea, Tasmania
tastiger11: Fluted Cape, Bruny Island
vee is for violeta: Rays of light
lecates: smoke bend
waspmeat.: ikons of all sorts.
waspmeat.: with the lights out.
lecates: salamander
gooffey: surrounded
troutfactory: angie thinks numbers
soleá: meet my new boyfriend
Tyler Westcott: Pigeon Point Lighthouse
lecates: shadows above
SOBPhotography: The Ring
Victoriano: Paris playground
FiveAshes: Take Courage