Olivia in Africa: I'm really going to miss Boris and the rest of my Yako family.
Olivia in Africa: Adama, my Burkinabe father
Olivia in Africa: Packed up to leave Yako. The Burkinabe never cease to amaze me with their ability to pack.
Olivia in Africa: Watching a movie
Olivia in Africa: Watching a movie
Olivia in Africa: Watching video clips from the school year
Olivia in Africa: Sebastian
Olivia in Africa: Justine was being bashful, even though she is extremely outgoing.
Olivia in Africa: Arnaud admiring his jolie photo
Olivia in Africa: Aimee got the award for always giving the class something to laugh about it. He was so excited about his award!
Olivia in Africa: Sharing a few words and showing many of the kids a computer for the first time.
Olivia in Africa: Can you tell we like to have fun in our class?!
Olivia in Africa: One last class photo
Olivia in Africa: The Monday/Wednesday preschool group
Olivia in Africa: Souleyman looked so cute in his outfit.
Olivia in Africa: Some of our cute preschool kiddos.
Olivia in Africa: What can I say?! He's a hoot and a half.
Olivia in Africa: Inoussa doing his own little stroll.
Olivia in Africa: Aimee loves apples!
Olivia in Africa: Inoussa wasn't very happy I gave my leftover apple to the girls, instead of him.
Olivia in Africa: The kids love to eat my leftover apple at lunch each day.
Olivia in Africa: Have I mentioned most Burkinabe don't smile in photos? Oops, guess I ruined this picutre.