Torok_Bea: Mocsári béka (Rana arvalis)
FergalSandra: Louth Swallow
FergalSandra: Hoopoe Comber Down
FergalSandra: Hoopoe on the ground
FergalSandra: Hoopoe feeding
patricia.hoedts: Gamba roja comuna - Archibebe comun - Common redshank - Chevalier gambette - Tringa totanus
patricia.hoedts: Cames llargues - Ciguenuela comun - Black-winged stilt - Échasse blanche - Himantopus himantopus
patricia.hoedts: Capo reial - Morito comun - Glossy ibis - Ibis falcinelle - Plegadis falcinellus
patricia.hoedts: Corriol anellat petit - Chorlitejo chico - Little ringed plover - Petit gravelot - Charadrius dubius
patricia.hoedts: Gamba roja pintade - Archibebe oscuro - Spotted redshank - Chevalier arlequin - Tringa erythropus
patricia.hoedts: Cabusset comu - Zampullin comun - Little grebe - Grèbe castagneux - Tachybaptus ruficollis
ameldrum: Camel, one hump or two
ameldrum: Desert in a bottle
ameldrum: Spectra Lightshow
ameldrum: Foxy gaze
ameldrum: Seal pup
Oculus One Photography: Swallow-tailed Kite
Oculus One Photography: Cataloochee Bull
Oculus One Photography: Mossy Oak & Frost
FergalSandra: Common Tern takeoff
sambirder06: Tiger Swallowtail
Torok_Bea: Nagy kárókatona (Phalacrocorax carbo) Brown Rat
FergalSandra: Cuckoo on the move
FergalSandra: Cooley Grey Wagtail
FergalSandra: Cooley Song Thrush
FergalSandra: Chiffchaff Dundalk
Paul..A: Fulmar
Torok_Bea: Szalakóta ( European roller) ❤️
FergalSandra: Dundalk Glossy Ibis