ahaseg: @olishaw 's Serendipity
evalottchen: Oli Shaw: Magic, Hurt Feelings and Forgiveness
HotGloo: Oli Shaw
minimon23: Oli-Shaw-June-2013
alastc: Oli Shaw talks through Trojan Mice
Nevoir: _DSC0457
brucesflickr: DontSpy
sousveiller: img1803
LARDO London: COPPA Launch Weekend
Lighthouse Arts: Under the Shadow of the Drone by James Bridle
tombland: IMG_7471
Matt Biddulph: trail graph of yielding
Matt Biddulph: Nerd Nite SF with @arielwaldmann
eskimoblood: sunflow is back
Syntopia: Nouveau Variation
toxi: triangles_AOCC_SD
haiyan: Wired UK #2 - Page 20
Ti.mo: 27 March, 20.57
caseorganic: Wearable Computing - Toward Humanistic Intelligence - Steve Mann 2001
STML: The Gaze of the Museum
JulianBleecker: Mobile Computing Posture
Gaynoir_: Liam Young Eyes
mattward: Fuck Parents, Fuck School, Fuck Government, Fuck LIFE
Ti.mo: 3 February, 16.13
inhiu: Shining in the tender darkness
J Trav: Michelle
IrenaS: Night Glitter
STML: The Cloud
STML: The Cloud