Seleucia Pieria: DSC_7170
Seleucia Pieria: NX2_014DSC_7552
henk.sijgers (on when I can): The Replacements
Fede Falces ( ...♥... ): ... a shy smile!!!
Adly Wook: ...The Rise...
David Kracht: pole position ...
Chrisnaton: Burning Sky
Luis Montemayor: Porcelain Doll
Alex_Saurel: Kid playing with small boat, Jambiani village, Zanzibar, Tanzania
elmofoto: r u m b l e | gullfoss, iceland
Chrisnaton: Entrance
FotoGrazio: Together at the end of the world
captured by bond: The valley at night_SMB2663
Seleucia Pieria: DSC_2085-4
arielirving: forever
henk.sijgers (on when I can): Light's cusp tween day and night
Adly Wook: Sleeping Giant
Kindra Nikole: becoming earth
karmajigme: The right time
camerue: wheel at night
Leigh Cousins RAW: Warm my Heart
Adly Wook: Art Of An-Nur
BinhPhoenix: Touch-13
anastase.papoortzis: Sacre Coeur in B&W.
Alex_Saurel: Veiled little girls laughing, Pemba island, Zanzibar Archipelago, Tanzania