Olga Gerrard: alone together
Olga Gerrard: Versaille Mandate- Let Them eat Carrots
Olga Gerrard: Enter? or No Exit?
Olga Gerrard: doll parts
Olga Gerrard: ornaments
Olga Gerrard: untitled
Olga Gerrard: two hearts
Olga Gerrard: scratchy blue texture
Olga Gerrard: HIDDEN WOO(rl)DS
Olga Gerrard: But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. William Butler Yeats
Olga Gerrard: Radiate and Fade Away
Olga Gerrard: Things We Saw on the Trip Here.5
Olga Gerrard: Things We Saw on the Trip Here .3
Olga Gerrard: Things We Saw on the Trip Here .1
Olga Gerrard: my favorite things
Olga Gerrard: Dark Sighs at Night
Olga Gerrard: The Animal Without
Olga Gerrard: And the moon was pouring a bottle of shine
Olga Gerrard: Orange Splash
Olga Gerrard: Manimale
Olga Gerrard: Yearning
Olga Gerrard: zoetrope
Olga Gerrard: Paperbag Bush
Olga Gerrard: Bleak Beauty
Olga Gerrard: Through the glass, farewell for now
Olga Gerrard: running fences
Olga Gerrard: & autumn, lakeside
Olga Gerrard: Owl-Light
Olga Gerrard: Pale Saints