▲D●lF▲: Fiolent
nmiglis: 13_15
*Laali*: Noah
MichaelSwitzerr: Explored
[o] Eric's foto [o]: Cross / Causeway Bay / Hongkong
State Library and Archives of Florida: View of a Pine Crest School dance party: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
State Library and Archives of Florida: View looking towards band playing at a Pine Crest School dance party: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
P. Lynn Miller: An Aero-Ektar and A Speed Graphic
The Library of Congress: At the Vermont state fair, Rutland (LOC)
The Library of Congress: [Cook in the rue de Stamboul, Constantinople, Turkey] (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Prince of Monaco (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Ancient ruins in the Cañon de Chelle, N.M. In a niche 50 feet above present cañon bed (LOC)
George Eastman Museum: Woman in cell, playing solitaire
George Eastman Museum: Member of Order of Odd Fellows
George Eastman Museum: Man and woman in swimming apparel
George Eastman Museum: Coiffeur, Bd. de Strasbourg
Sherri DuPree Bemis: Pearls in hand/Collapse