ofAdam: Good day from 1 News Plaza, where some are not amused by our fluffy aggressors.
ofAdam: I spy, up high...
ofAdam: Cute, but what happened to the traditional Christkindlmarket boot mug?!
ofAdam: A tiny Christmas figure.
ofAdam: While in Chicago, we caught up with former Journal Star copy editor Shannon Countryman. It’s good to have friends in the city.
ofAdam: Don’t worry, night editor Andy Kravetz is definitely celebrating.
ofAdam: Behind the office one wintry night. Head to the light.
ofAdam: What elegant glassware.
ofAdam: You can learn a lot from Lydia.
ofAdam: One of those dying winter suns.
ofAdam: Trick-or-treat! Guess who?
ofAdam: Katie is in there somewhere...
ofAdam: Yes, there’s a pipe organ out there sized just for you. A humble thank you to all who watched me run between this small continuo and the 122-year-old beast upstairs during last Sunday’s concert.
ofAdam: Why have one Eye of Providence when you can have two?
ofAdam: Eat lube, suckers.
ofAdam: Interstate signs are different in Indiana.
ofAdam: A red spotted purple! It crawled on my finger, then alighted.
ofAdam: Shenanigans.
ofAdam: Pet me? Let me think about it.
ofAdam: I came for the Shakespeare, but stayed for former Journal Star reporter Pam Adams.
ofAdam: We’re all agog over the Perseids, but let us not forget our more constant companion.
ofAdam: Oh, a selfie.
ofAdam: Cut the crap, man, this is Shaft.
ofAdam: Venus-Moon conjunction on a steamy July evening.
ofAdam: Rule-of-thirds rainbow.
ofAdam: When a single storm cloud works as a wicked reflector.
ofAdam: Too late, too dark, too scary.
ofAdam: An exchange of tech help for beer turned into a selfie. Hi, Brad!
ofAdam: Hot damn, I made this.
ofAdam: You can get anything by the Illinois Secretary of State.