Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Where CO2 emissions are generated in film production
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Different greenhouse gas emissions depending on film format
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Climate protection in the film production
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
The anthropogenic metals stock is growing
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Urban mining – a future source of raw materials
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Civilisation’s gold – the potential of urban mining
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Nature-based Solutions
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Impact of wood use on forest carbon pools
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Hidden carbon emissions from wood use
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
More and more traction batteries for electromobility in the EU
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Model of distributional effects of energy and climate policy measures
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Top Ten« power plants with the highest greenhouse gas emissions in the EU – comparison of 2005 and 2021 - Coal phase-out in neighbouring countries is progressing faster than in Germany and Poland
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Farming’s contributions to climate action
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
NDC Design – Systematic analysis
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
NDC Design – Systematic analysis
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
NDC Design
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Electric cars with cost advantage
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Climate-friendly mobility in urban and rural areas is possible
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Flying and climate protection: How greenhouse gas emissions from aviation can be reduced
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Flying and climate protection: Offsetting versus climate responsibility
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Flying and climate protection: The regulation of air traffic today
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Flying and climate protection: How greenhouse gas emissions have developed in the EU
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Flying and climate protection: aviation's vision of the future
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Flying and climate protection: rethinking necessary
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
The CO2 footprint of our digital lifestyle
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Power-to-X: Overview of inputs, processes and PtX products
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Power-to-X: How much power is left
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Power-to-X: Comparison of CO2 emissions from PtX and fossil fuels
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Power-to-X: Comparison of CO2 emissions from PtX and fossil fuels
Oeko-Institut e.V.:
Interim storage facilities for fuel elements in Germany