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albums of Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
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Amphibians: frogs and toads
Amphibians: newts and salamanders
Birds: bitterns, herons, and egrets
Birds: blackbirds, grackles, and orioles
Birds: bluebirds and thrushes
Birds: chickadees and nuthatches
Birds: crows, jays, and magpies
Birds: finches, grosbeaks, and house sparrows
Birds: flycatchers and larks
Birds: gulls and terns
Birds: hummingbirds
Birds: kingfishers and woodpeckers
Birds: loons and grebes
Birds: murres, auklets, and puffins
Birds: nighthawks and swifts
Birds: owls
Birds: pelicans and cormorants
Birds: pheasants, grouse, quail, and turkey
Birds: pipits and waxwings
Birds: rails, coots, and cranes
Birds: raptors
Birds: shore
Birds: swallows and martins
Birds: swans, ducks, and geese
Birds: tanagers
Birds: towhees, sparrows, and buntings
Birds: wrens and kinglets
Fish: chub
Fish: lamprey
Fish: ocean
Fish: salmon
Fish: sturgeon
Fish: trout and steelhead
Fish: warm water
Fishing: commercial
Fishing: crabbing and clamming
Fishing: freshwater
Fishing: saltwater
Fishing locations: lakes and ponds
Fishing locations: rivers and streams
Historical - Commission
Hunting: game bird
Invasive species
Mammals: bears
Mammals: beaver
Mammals: hoofed; bighorn sheep
Mammals: canine; coyotes and foxes
Mammals: canine; wolves
Mammals: feline
Mammals: Gophers
Mammals: hoofed; deer
Mammals: hoofed; elk
Mammals: hoofed; moose
Mammals: hoofed; mountain goat
Mammals: hoofed; pronghorn
Mammals: pikas, rabbits, and hares
Mammals: rats and mice
Mammals - seals and sea lions
Mammals: squirrels and chipmunks
Mammals: weasels, badgers, otters, and skunks
Mammals: whale, dolphin and porpoise
Reptiles: snakes
Reptiles: turtles