Odephoto: Checkered Whiptail (Cnemidophorus tesselatus)
Odephoto: Checkered Whiptail (Cnemidophorus tesselatus)
Odephoto: Hot Barn Swallow
Odephoto: Hot Barn Swallow
Odephoto: Proctacanthus nearno
Odephoto: Proctacanthus nearno
Odephoto: Proctacanthus nearno
Odephoto: Antlion
Odephoto: Prairie Lizard hiding in the shade
Odephoto: Robust-spine Beehive Cactus (Coryphantha robustispina)
Odephoto: Sunrays
Odephoto: Bullock's Oriole on Agave
Odephoto: Red-tailed Hawk with snake
Odephoto: Verdin
Odephoto: Botteri's Sparrow
Odephoto: Botteri's Sparrow
Odephoto: Scaled Quail
Odephoto: Western Red-bellied Tiger Beetle (Cicindela sedecimpunctata)
Odephoto: Efferia robberfly eating a fly
Odephoto: Efferia robberfly eating a fly
Odephoto: Mydas ventralis
Odephoto: Mydas ventralis
Odephoto: Proctacanthella leucopogon or tolandi
Odephoto: Broad-billed Hummingbird
Odephoto: Costa's Hummingbird
Odephoto: Costa's Hummingbird
Odephoto: Costa's Hummingbird
Odephoto: Magnificent Hummingbird
Odephoto: Magnificent Hummingbird
Odephoto: Anna's Hummingbird with a yellow gorget