Odephoto: Storm clouds at 60mph
Odephoto: Beavertail Fairy Shrimp
Odephoto: Great Plains Toad (Bufo cognatus)
Odephoto: Barred Tiger Salamander scaling a wall
Odephoto: Barred Tiger Salamander
Odephoto: Barred Tiger Salamander
Odephoto: Snail shells from the last time the playa had water 4 years earlier
Odephoto: Woodhouse's Toad
Odephoto: New Mexico Spadefoot Toad (Spea multiplicata)
Odephoto: Amplexus
Odephoto: Amplexus
Odephoto: Amplexus
Odephoto: New Mexico Spadefoot Toad (Spea multiplicata)
Odephoto: New Mexico Spadefoot Toad (Spea multiplicata)
Odephoto: Great Plains Toad (Bufo cognatus)
Odephoto: Great Plains Toad (Bufo cognatus)
Odephoto: Holding on ...
Odephoto: Getting ready ...
Odephoto: Retracting . . .
Odephoto: Ladies!
Odephoto: Bubblegum nose
Odephoto: Triops tadpole shrimp chasing each other in a playa wetland
Odephoto: Great Plains Toad is hot shit
Odephoto: New Mexico Spadefoot Toad metamorph swimming
Odephoto: Leaf-footed Bug (Mozena obtusa)
Odephoto: Predaceous Diving Beetle (Eretes sp.)
Odephoto: Mourning Dove nest
Odephoto: New Mexico Spadefoot Toad metamorph
Odephoto: New Mexico Spadefoot Toadlet peaking out
Odephoto: Many New Mexico Spadefoot Toadlets