Odephoto: Dawn in Sooty Grouse country
Odephoto: Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Odephoto: Townsend's Chipmunk
Odephoto: Evening Grosbeaks at a feeder
Odephoto: Western Tanager
Odephoto: Evening Grosbeak
Odephoto: Western Warbling Vireo
Odephoto: Western Tanager
Odephoto: Violet-green Swallow
Odephoto: Bramble Hairstreak (Callophrys perplexa)
Odephoto: I saw a lot of these
Odephoto: Probable Glaucous-winged x Western Gull hybrid
Odephoto: Probable Glaucous-winged x Western Gull hybrid
Odephoto: "Pacific Crow"
Odephoto: Probable Glaucous-winged x Western Gull hybrid
Odephoto: Western Gull and probable Glaucous-winged x Western Gull hybrid
Odephoto: Young molting California Gull
Odephoto: California Gull
Odephoto: "Pacific Crow"
Odephoto: "Pacific Crow"
Odephoto: "Pacific Crow" searching for grub
Odephoto: Lasiopogon actius
Odephoto: Lasiopogon actius
Odephoto: Puget Sound White-crowned Sparrow
Odephoto: Do you see the Sooty Grouse?
Odephoto: How about now? Do you see the Sooty Grouse?
Odephoto: Sooty Grouse puffed up
Odephoto: Sooty Grouse
Odephoto: Northern Pygmy-Owl
Odephoto: Tillamook not only makes great cheese