Odephoto: Lapland Longspur
Odephoto: Lapland Longspur
Odephoto: Longspurs!
Odephoto: Longspurs
Odephoto: Lapland Longspurs with one Smith's Longspur
Odephoto: Lapland Longspurs with one Smith's Longspur
Odephoto: Longspur
Odephoto: Longspur
Odephoto: Lapland Longspurs
Odephoto: Smith's Longspur
Odephoto: Smith's Longspur
Odephoto: Smith's Longspur
Odephoto: Longspur
Odephoto: Longspur
Odephoto: Longspur
Odephoto: Image's shadows lightened
Odephoto: Longspur
Odephoto: Longspur
Odephoto: Longspur
Odephoto: Longspur
Odephoto: McCown's Longspurs among the clouds
Odephoto: McCown's Longspurs coming in for a drink
Odephoto: Stay Puft, the Snow Bunting
Odephoto: Snow Bunting
Odephoto: Bunting Branches
Odephoto: Wait.. that's not right.
Odephoto: Snow Bunting
Odephoto: Snow Bunting
Odephoto: Sometimes chasing rarities is easy
Odephoto: Snow Bunting