Odephoto: Lark Sparrow
Odephoto: American White Pelican
Odephoto: Red-throated Loons
Odephoto: Red-throated Loons
Odephoto: Green-winged Teal
Odephoto: Cackling Goose
Odephoto: Egret with long head plumes
Odephoto: Egret with long head plumes
Odephoto: Egret with long head plumes
Odephoto: Egret with long head plumes
Odephoto: Egret with long head plumes
Odephoto: Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea)
Odephoto: Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea)
Odephoto: Loggerhead Shrike
Odephoto: Greater White-fronted Goose
Odephoto: "Brewsters" Warbler
Odephoto: Harris's Sparrow
Odephoto: Delaware Black-bellied Whistling-duck
Odephoto: Black-headed Gull at Gordon's Pond
Odephoto: Ross's Goose hiding in a Snow Goose sea
Odephoto: White-winged Crossbill
Odephoto: Snowbird
Odephoto: Hoary - Front and center
Odephoto: White-winged Crossbill (female)
Odephoto: Sedge Wren in Columbia
Odephoto: Semipalmated Sandpiper with a yellow leg band
Odephoto: Blue-footed Booby in New Mexico
Odephoto: Harris's Hawk
Odephoto: Subadult Harris's Hawk
Odephoto: Amazon Kingfisher