Odephoto: Texas Toad (Bufo speciosus)
Odephoto: Welcome to my parlor
Odephoto: Western Black Widow (Latrodectus hesperus)
Odephoto: Tarantula in the grass
Odephoto: Yellow on Yellow
Odephoto: Desert Whitetail (Libellula subornata) female
Odephoto: Comanche Skimmer (Libellula comanche)
Odephoto: Desert Whitetail (Libellula subornata) male
Odephoto: This is your right, and that's your right. This is your right. That's your right!
Odephoto: Cicindela fulgida (Crimson Saltflat Tiger Beetle)
Odephoto: White-cloaked Tiger Beetle (Cicindela togata globicollis)
Odephoto: Cicindela fulgida (Crimson Saltflat Tiger Beetle)
Odephoto: Cream-edged Tiger Beetle (Cicindela circumpicta johnsoni)
Odephoto: Desert Forktail (Ischnura barberi)
Odephoto: Cream-edged Tiger Beetle (Cicindela circumpicta johnsoni)
Odephoto: Phidippus apacheanus
Odephoto: Beetle Relations
Odephoto: Aztec Dancer (Argia nahuana) male
Odephoto: Cream-edged Tiger Beetle (Cicindela circumpicta johnsoni)
Odephoto: Strange andromorph female Forktail
Odephoto: Pronghorn on the prairie
Odephoto: Bleached Skimmer (Libellula composita) ♂
Odephoto: Seaside Dragonlet (Erythrodiplax berenice) ♂
Odephoto: Western Pondhawk (Erythemis collocata) ♀
Odephoto: Marl Pennant (Macrodiplax balteata) ♂
Odephoto: Bee-killer bee-killing
Odephoto: Bee-killer bee-killing
Odephoto: Checkered Setwing (Dythemis fugax) ♂
Odephoto: Seaside Dragonlet (Erythrodiplax berenice) ♀
Odephoto: Mrs. Green Darner ovipositing