Odephoto: Desert Millipede
Odephoto: Seashells at the seashore
Odephoto: Spikey
Odephoto: Snail
Odephoto: Tree Snail
Odephoto: Tree Snail
Odephoto: Tree Snail
Odephoto: Cool millipede
Odephoto: Urchin
Odephoto: Shells on the coral beach
Odephoto: dead Seabiscuit
Odephoto: live Seabiscuit
Odephoto: *pinch*
Odephoto: *pinch pinch*
Odephoto: Shells
Odephoto: Snail
Odephoto: *pinch*
Odephoto: Shell
Odephoto: Shell
Odephoto: Shells on a coral beach
Odephoto: Our seashell collage
Odephoto: Our seashell collage
Odephoto: Red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii)
Odephoto: Red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii)
Odephoto: Annie found a fiddler crab
Odephoto: Halloween Crab (Gecarcinus quadratus)
Odephoto: Dueling Hermit Crabs
Odephoto: Over here!
Odephoto: Thieves
Odephoto: Ghost Crab (Ocypode sp.)