Odephoto: Not interested.
Odephoto: Cactus Wren
Odephoto: Anhingas
Odephoto: Western Meadowlark
Odephoto: Black Rosy-Finch
Odephoto: American Tree Sparrow
Odephoto: Lapland Longspur
Odephoto: Check out the feathered nares
Odephoto: Mr. Blue
Odephoto: Silver-throated Tanager
Odephoto: Laughing Gull and Dunlin friends
Odephoto: Curious
Odephoto: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Odephoto: Common Loons (Gavia immer)
Odephoto: You can't see me
Odephoto: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Odephoto: Ipswich Sparrow
Odephoto: Ross's Gull
Odephoto: Black-capped Gnatcatcher
Odephoto: Black-chinned Hummingbirds
Odephoto: Common Loons in the rain
Odephoto: Violet Sabrewing
Odephoto: Change Places!
Odephoto: You can't see me. . .
Odephoto: Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow
Odephoto: American Pipit
Odephoto: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Odephoto: Swamp Sparrow along Wilson's Run
Odephoto: Brown-capped Rosy Finch
Odephoto: White-crowned Sparrow imm.