metak: Supplies
metak: Pin facing to outside fabric
metak: Marking where to stop sewing
metak: First zipper seam, before flipping
metak: First zipper seam
metak: DSC06523
metak: Lining
metak: Marked
metak: Zipper from the outside
metak: Preparing to sew center bottom seams
metak: Outside
metak: Center seam sewn (lining side)
metak: Sew, turn, and press
metak: Marking the seam line
metak: Lining up the pull tab
metak: Pinning the lining out of the way to sew across the zipper
metak: Drawing the cutting lines for the side seams
metak: Lining side: cutting lines all marked
metak: Sewing the lining by the zipper
metak: Sewing the side seams
metak: Orientation of the strap
metak: Ta-da! Finished Box Bag!