metak: Spring
metak: Spring
metak: Spring
metak: Spring
metak: Knitting in the car on the way to Rhinebeck
metak: All your base are belong to us
metak: My robot vacuum attacked my knitting
metak: I have managed to get 2 different colors of yarn tangled together.
metak: A variety of size 4 knitting needles.
metak: Butterflies
metak: Fireworks
metak: Quilt Back
metak: Quilt Top
metak: Finished blanket
metak: Finished blanket
metak: Finito!
metak: Decided it was time to give the sewing machine a quick cleaning. My goodness there was a lot lint in there. I guess that's a sign it's getting good use.
metak: Not sure if someone was VERY VERY worried about germs or a very large bird picked a weird place to build a nest.
metak: And the elephant quilt (mostly) made by my mother from leftovers from clothes of mine and my brother's. Now I can start on a second one.
metak: My Mom found the original elephant quilt template drawn by my Dad!
metak: Well, we definitely have some corrosion inside.
metak: Wedding present quilt for my baby brother and his wife.
metak: Quilt back
metak: Quilt front
metak: The boy is growing: time to un-shorten the pajama pants.
metak: Today in knitting sad:
metak: Orientation of the strap
metak: Sewing the side seams