metak: Color wheel
metak: Swatches
metak: Swatches
metak: Lesson 1 - India Ink
metak: Lesson 1 - Brush Work, Washes
metak: Water lily
metak: Rockport
metak: Washes
metak: Celtic design sketch
metak: Dress sketch
metak: Initial Sketches
metak: Pen and Ink Drawing
metak: Random critter
metak: Paper Sampler
metak: M Graham Color Wheel
metak: Winsor & Newton Color Wheel
metak: Seed Pods Painting & Photo
metak: Seed Pods Painting
metak: Value Painting
metak: Kite Boarding Sketch
metak: Old sketchbooks and diaries
metak: Circus
metak: My first sketchbook
metak: Handbook Sketchbook