Jerry Ting: Pheasant-tailed Jacana(Hydrophasianus chirurgus) (水雉) - nonbreeding adult"
Jerry Ting: Horned Lark
Jerry Ting: Yellow-breasted Chat
Jerry Ting: Blue-eyed Darner (Rhionaeschna multicolor)
Jerry Ting: Lewis's Woodpecker
Jerry Ting: Canyon Wren
Jerry Ting: Hooded Merganser couple
Jerry Ting: Spotted Sandpiper
erlingsi: På land -|- On shore
erlingsi: Speil speil -|- Mirror mirror
annkelliott: Happy New Year 2025
annkelliott: Eastern Kingbird / Tyrannus tyrannus
erlingsi: Morgenen etterpå -|- The Morning After
Jerry Ting: Phainopepla
annkelliott: Long-tailed Weasel / Mustela frenata, with Meadow Vole, 2014
overthemoon3: Woodduck on the Mississippi
overthemoon3: bald eagles
overthemoon3: manyeaglesHI (1 of 1)
annkelliott: Snowy Owl / Bubo scandiacus, 2014
erlingsi: Robåten er ikke tom -|- Not empty
annkelliott: Eastern Kingbird / Tyrannus tyrannus
MBDGE: Beinn Ghobhlach