A Yen for Phantoms: this is the surgeon
A Yen for Phantoms: a spread of hot petals
A Yen for Phantoms: as the pallors gather
A Yen for Phantoms: paper needles, silt amnesias
A Yen for Phantoms: riderless hooftaps
A Yen for Phantoms: night on hooks
A Yen for Phantoms: ears cupping mercies
A Yen for Phantoms: mannequins lean tonight
A Yen for Phantoms: The Merits of Silence
A Yen for Phantoms: the sun seeds a sickle and a scythe
A Yen for Phantoms: The Residency
A Yen for Phantoms: grave it, aye
A Yen for Phantoms: his very diamonds
A Yen for Phantoms: "Jane Austen exhausts me."
A Yen for Phantoms: fer-de-lance
A Yen for Phantoms: black against the austere
A Yen for Phantoms: the power lines
A Yen for Phantoms: driven by the whip
A Yen for Phantoms: Orpheus turns
A Yen for Phantoms: gather and reprise
A Yen for Phantoms: Unending Fable
A Yen for Phantoms: Prospero's Oneiric Salute
A Yen for Phantoms: in their veins all becomes spirit
A Yen for Phantoms: tin surgery
A Yen for Phantoms: grey harps
A Yen for Phantoms: how it went