ocherdraco: Nighttime trees.
ocherdraco: Lovely clouds and sky today.
ocherdraco: There's something about the light from the sunset hitting the clouds and my curtains that I find absolutely beautiful.
ocherdraco: Good morning, goslings!
ocherdraco: Mineola, looking rather picturesque.
ocherdraco: I love sunlight through leaves.
ocherdraco: Katie in a garden center is like a kid in a candy store: delightful!
ocherdraco: It's an absolutely gorgeous day for a run to the gym.
ocherdraco: Lilacs next to my building! They smell lovely.
ocherdraco: Sometimes, you turn a corner in the hospital when you're running from patient to patient, and you see something really lovely.
ocherdraco: Bricks, leaves, and sky.
ocherdraco: Black squirrel! They're uncommon, and I enjoy when I spot one.
ocherdraco: Contemplative Olivia as we leave the Poconos.
ocherdraco: (Temporarily) locked out of the house, so we're lounging.
ocherdraco: Tasting.
ocherdraco: Birch bark.
ocherdraco: Tyler takes a nap.
ocherdraco: Happy hikers.
ocherdraco: Funky fungus.
ocherdraco: Michael revels in nature.
ocherdraco: Katie makes a new friend.
ocherdraco: Andrew takes the high road.
ocherdraco: Good morning Poconos.
ocherdraco: I like lichen.
ocherdraco: Soon.
ocherdraco: After an evening full of help from Cory, I have art again! Looking forward to getting these up on my walls.
ocherdraco: The view from my sofa.
ocherdraco: KaBLOOM.
ocherdraco: Taxi stand view.
ocherdraco: (Small) upside of my train breaking down in New Haven and having to take the Metro North: getting to enjoy the beauty of Grand Central.