obyda: Frustration!!
obyda: Isn’t it enough that i live on this miserable planet ?!!
obyda: Shine alone
obyda: Another side!!
obyda: Is there still hope?!!
obyda: Interoversion
obyda: P2
obyda: Shine
obyda: No movement !!
obyda: suffer but steadfast
obyda: _MG_4488
obyda: 3195
obyda: IMG_0046
obyda: _MG_6865-2
obyda: _MG_6861
obyda: _MG_6860-2
obyda: _MG_6867-2
obyda: Drop Of Tears
obyda: _MG_6836-3
obyda: like a mountain
obyda: _MG_3904
obyda: for sell or X
obyda: _MG_4800
obyda: _MG_4917-2
obyda: Belongs to king ..!
obyda: _MG_4772
obyda: _MG_4703
obyda: _MG_4252
obyda: waiting!
obyda: 9680