AdamChandler86: Aerial Photo of Gros Morne, Newfoundland
AdamChandler86: Four years later, the Pandora hat, still treating me well
keith trice: Clouds over Vineyard Haven
PapaDunes: Dexter Grist Mill, Sandwich, Massachusetts
AdamChandler86: First Snow of 2016
AdamChandler86: Albany Sausage Fest 2015
GeekGirlCamp: MKP_Geek_girl_tech_Con_Plymouth_Cape_Cod_Photography_2015-223
GeekGirlCamp: MKP_Geek_girl_tech_Con_Plymouth_Cape_Cod_Photography_2015-222
GeekGirlCamp: MKP_Geek_girl_tech_Con_Plymouth_Cape_Cod_Photography_2015-221
GeekGirlCamp: MKP_Geek_girl_tech_Con_Plymouth_Cape_Cod_Photography_2015-220
docbaty: Heading home #tokyo #sydney #Qantas
AdamChandler86: Breakfast at my apartment in Gent Belgium
AdamChandler86: Breakfast at my apartment in Gent Belgium
docbaty: It's things like this that make the IoT so scary to me: the boneheadedness of tech.
AdamChandler86: Toon van den Broek Geuze II
AdamChandler86: St. Sixtusabdij - Westvleteren Belgium
AdamChandler86: St. Sixtusabdij - Westvleteren Belgium
AdamChandler86: Het Oude Schooltje - Struise Brouwers @ The Old School
AdamChandler86: Het Oude Schooltje - Struise Brouwers @ The Old School
AdamChandler86: In de Verzekering tegen de Grote Dorst
AdamChandler86: Dinner @ Drukarnia - Lodz, Poland
AdamChandler86: Exploring - Lodz, Poland
AdamChandler86: Exploring - Lodz, Poland
AdamChandler86: Team Dinner - Lodz, Poland
AdamChandler86: Team Dinner - Lodz, Poland
AdamChandler86: Lodz Poland @ Night
Hearts and Laserbeams: #Ice on the windshield. 27 degrees out. This is gonna hurt.
AdamChandler86: Night out in Lodz Poland
AdamChandler86: Night out in Lodz Poland
AdamChandler86: Night out in Lodz Poland