riki.farnea: Poiana
FotographyKS!: Colorful tropical Almond tree leaf!
Penescu Marius: Storm-skinned
katrinlillenthal: 11.11.16-7
Stephen-Boyd: Loch Cul Dromannan
Tim Melling: Flight of the Condor
j.w.lafferty1: DSCF1865
mr.krissz: Kék.
riki.farnea: The two cubs
rainer.menes: Autumn feeling at golden hour
Jaume Bobet: Carcharodus alceae
NebraskaSC: 102714 - The Perfect October Nebraska Sunset!
matiasalsi: Scuba 2016-09-25 1
Gigi Sanna: Volo Radente
gil streichert: Vautour 2
Samuele81: Melitaea
Tor Magnus Anfinsen: Tor Magnus Anfinsen-000171
Tor Magnus Anfinsen: Tor Magnus Anfinsen-000174 in Explore Sep 26, 2016 #62Added
Tor Magnus Anfinsen: Beautiful Norway
stevelamb007: Butterfly convention - Tennessee
Ktach.us: Head Cover
deserttoad: Long-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus), Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes), and Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla); Belen Wetlands, NM [Lou Feltz]
deserttoad: ID Challenge -- Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors); Belen Wetlands, NM [Lou Feltz]
deserttoad: Western Pondhawk Dragonfly -- Male (Erythemis collocata); Albuquerque, NM, Tingley Beach Park [Lou Feltz]