o1eander: mitsuki II
o1eander: st. paul cathedral.
o1eander: rob, guitar.
o1eander: little mushroom.
o1eander: weird janus.
o1eander: hopper-esque, maybe.
o1eander: grant @ the walker.
o1eander: grant.
o1eander: frilly.
o1eander: some kind of lily.
o1eander: his fortune was a little off ...
o1eander: dave's face.
o1eander: chatting with a statue.
o1eander: again, all chilly.
o1eander: play.
o1eander: the infamous cherryspoon.
o1eander: night mode.
o1eander: look out, snowmobilers.
o1eander: contemplation.
o1eander: amy & unbaked pie crust.
o1eander: my bro & sam