Chusmaki: Empusas
The Aussie Art Maker: Aphid Mother with children
The Aussie Art Maker: The missing Bishop Chess Piece --- Acroaspis sp
The Aussie Art Maker: Paper Wasp -- side on
The Aussie Art Maker: 🐝-- Lasioglossum (Paraspechodes) sp.
The Aussie Art Maker: Lipotriches australica - Australian Native Bee -- ♀️
The Aussie Art Maker: 10 Minutes with a Tangled Vein Fly 2
The Aussie Art Maker: A Robber Fly
Ted Smith 574: The fabulous and elusive Diederik Cuckoo 😊
gernot72: m777-35-raupenfliege
gernot72: m788-18-gemeine-winterlibelle
gernot72: m789-39-hoecker-habichtsfliege
g.cordel: Demoiselle
g.cordel: Sympétrum de fonscolombe
scandan780: Scarlet Skimmer Dragonfly
th_norge: ..just another mushroom..
valpil58 II: Mantis religiosa.
g.cordel: Mante religieuse
Hubert Polacek: Post-glacial geometry
oldbourbonguy: Garden Creature
Chusmaki: El Abedular
christian.grelard: Stourne luisant
miketabak: Heermann's Gull, adult
Ingrid Stuller: In the last evening light!
Adrián R Simoni: Vanessa cardui
Carlos. B: Greta oto