RPahre: View of Hot Springs State Park
Rockman of Zymurgy: Nash Point 2
@WineAlchemy1: Felton Road
Wajahat Mahmood: The Millhouse
James St. John: Agate (Madagascar) 3
James St. John: Rhodonite (Franklin-Sterling Hill area, New Jersey, USA)
James St. John: Natrolite (Hook Mountain Basalt, Lower Jurassic; Tilcon Millington Quarry, New Jersey, USA)
James St. John: Caritodens demissa (fossil bivalve) (Upper Ordovician; Cincinnati area, Ohio, USA)
Following Hadrian: The Maritime Theatre, Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli
Following Hadrian: The Maritime Theatre, Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli
Following Hadrian: The large water basin of the Pecile, Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli
Following Hadrian: The large water basin of the Pecile, Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli
James St. John: Columnaria alveolata (fossil coral) (Upper Ordovician; near Cincinnati, Ohio, USA) 2
James St. John: Pycnocrinus dyeri (fossil crinoids) (Upper Ordovician; Morrow, Ohio, USA)
James St. John: Pycnocrinus dyeri (fossil crinoids) (Arnheim Formation, Upper Ordovician; Dent, Ohio, USA) 12
peterkelly: Big Trilobites
Following Hadrian: Statue of the Discobolus, one of several Roman copies of a lost bronze original made in the 5th century BCE by the Greek sculptor Myron, from Hadrian's Villa (Temple of Venus), Pio Clementino Museum, Vatican Museums, Rome
Nigel Turner: Sunburst, Southwark Cathedral, London
Following Hadrian: Pilasters with Dionysiac motifs, from Hadrian's Villa, Mouseia of Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli
Following Hadrian: Marble oscillum (disc hung between the columns of a colonnade) with a relief of a naked satyr holdind a staff, panther skin and shepherd's crook, from Hadrian's Villa, Mouseia of Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli
Following Hadrian: Statue in red-marble depicting a drunken satyr, from Hadrian's Villa (Temple of Venus?), Pio Clementino Museum (Gabinete delle Maschere), Vatican Museums, Rome
Petroglyph88: Triassic ammonite (fragment)
Petroglyph88: Monotis richmondiana
Petroglyph88: Clavigera tumida
Petroglyph88: Monotis richmondiana
Sandy Austin: Warming my dinner
subarcticmike: World's Largest Fossil Mollusk, Greenland
Joel Pee: Worthenia gastropods fossil
katepedley: Kerið Crater