nzfossil: 20230113_153422
nzfossil: 20230113_153427
nzfossil: 20230113_153450
nzfossil: 20230113_153525
nzfossil: 20230113_153528
nzfossil: 20230113_153642
nzfossil: 20230113_153758
nzfossil: Carravaggio Judas Kiss
nzfossil: Doubting Thomas and the WOunds of Christ
nzfossil: The Head of Holofernes
nzfossil: Carravaggio
nzfossil: Architectural details from The School of Athens, Stanza della Signatura, Vatican, Rome.
nzfossil: TItian?
nzfossil: Sadly out of focus portait of Castiglione by Raphael
nzfossil: Detail of demon from The Last Judgement by Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel.
nzfossil: God head close up
nzfossil: Adam head close up
nzfossil: Delphi head close up
nzfossil: Sibyls and Prophets from The Sistine Chapel Ceiling.
nzfossil: Left to right - The Prophet Joel, the face of Adam, the face of God the Creator, Sistine Chapel Ceiling.
nzfossil: Like Arion on a Dolphin's back, I saw him hold acquaintence with the waves so long as I could see.
nzfossil: Durer - Portrait of a German Woman from Venice c 1507
nzfossil: 20230113_154539
nzfossil: 20230113_154632
nzfossil: Left to right - the Virgin and Child with St Anne and John the Baptist, the Virgin and Child with St Anne, detail John the Baptist
nzfossil: John the Baptsist Close Up
nzfossil: La Gioconda detail
nzfossil: Virgin Maryt and St Anne with Christ Child and St John the Baptist. Leonardo Cartoon National Gallery
nzfossil: The Virgin and Child with St Anne - Leonardo da Vinci
nzfossil: St Anne with Virgin Mary