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albums of NYCLU
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NYCLU at the 2012 NYC Pride Festival March
3.17.12 - 6 month anniversary of Occupy Wall Street
3.19.12 - Occupy Wall Street Press Conference at Zucotti Park
2.22.12 - Press Conference & Rally on New Student Safety Data
2.29.12 - Rally & Press Conference to introduce the new campaign of 25+ organizations for police accountability 'Communities United for Police Reform'
12.10.11 - Pics of the NYCLU at the NYC Rally to Protect Voting Rights on Dec. 10, 2011
11.10.11 - Jumaane Williams, Kirsten John Foy and NYCLU Welcome NYPD Discipline, Demand Greater Police Accountability
#occupywallstreet demo
7.25.11 - Broadway Stands Up For Freedom
7.24.11 - First day of Freedom to Marry in NY
6.27.11 - NYCLU at NYC PRIDE 2011
Senate Marriage Vote 2011
6.19.11 - Buffalo, NY - Round Table Marriage Discussion
6.14.11 - Long Island: A Hearing in Defense of Religious Freedom
6.12.11 - NYCLU at Long Island Pride
6.16.11 - NYCLU Young Professionals NYC Happy Hour and Fundraiser for Marriage Fairness
3.15.11 - NYCLU 60th Anniversary Gala
6.5.11 - NYCLU at Queens Pride 2011
5.21.11 - Long Island - Rally for Religious Liberty.
5.19.11 - NYCLU's Marriage Fairness Work Honored by MENY
5.9.11 – Equality & Justice Day
5.5.11 - NYCLU Nassau Chapter Rally for Immigrants' Rights
5.5.11 - Marriage Fairness Campaign Letter-Writing Pizza Party
4.7.11 - NYCLU goes to D.C. to fight for women's health!
2.26.11 - NYC Rally for Reproductive Justice
The 7th Annual Wedding March in NYC
New York Neighbors for American Values Candlelight Vigil, 9.10.10
Gov. Paterson Signs the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights, 8.31.10
New York Neighbors for American Values press conference, 8.25.10
Broadway Stands Up for Freedom! 2010, 7.26.10
Get the All-Star Game Out of Arizona, 7.8.10
6.26.10, Torture Awareness Flash Mob
Long Island Pride, 6.13.10
NYC May Day 2010, 5,1,10
March for America in Washington DC, 3.21.10
Long Island Rally for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, 3.4.10
Syracuse Vigil for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, 2.3.10
Rally for Repeal of Unconstitutional Oyster Bay Law, 12.15.09
Bill of Rights Day, 12.15.09
Rally, Hearing on the NYC Student Safety Act, 11.10.09
Nassau County Civil Rights Youth Conference, 10.26.09
Reform New York's Juvenile Justice System
Demonstration Against Shackling Pregnant Women, 8.18.09
2009 Public Advocate Candidates' Civil Rights Debate
2009 Broadway Stands Up for Freedom!
No to Shackling Pregnant Inmates
No to Bullying and Bias-Based Harassment in School
NYC Pride 2009
This is what a family looks like
Astoria Rally for Marriage, 5.31.09
Anti-Prop 8 Rally, May 26, 2009
May Day 2009
Equality & Justice Day 2009
Rockefeller Rally, 3.25.09
Morgan Spurlock <3s NYCLU!
The NYCLU Forces the DOE to End Discrimination in Soccer, 1.17.09
Remembering Yesterday, Looking Toward Tomorrow, 1.13.09
Bill of Rights Day, 12.15.08
We are Your Family: Harnessing the Strength of LGBT Familes & their Allies, 12.18.08
Investigate Hillcrest High School! 12.8.08
Vote on the Student Safety Act! rally, 11.23.08
Banned Books Week 2008
Voting Rights
Stand Up for Choice 2008
No to New Military Recruitment Policy, 10.15.08
Student Safety Slideshow
Pride 2008
Student Safety Act Rally, 8.14.08
Broadway Stands Up For Freedom
Header photos