Phil Roeder: Macau - Coffin at Chinese Funeral - 30 Dec 53
kattebelletje: Cat on chair (series)
Vermario: Lillberg
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Molly's Cupcakes, Chicago
mandalariangirl: ancient Egyptian woman or Michael Jackson?
ravenewyork: Brooklyn Rainbow
I LOVE PICS2007: Presentation that matters a lot
yongfook: Mmmm Endorphins
kattebelletje: Swiss chard
tea & honey bread: Abha drops
SweetAlmond: Chocolate Macarons
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake: Pompoms from Happy Cakes Denver
ZaIGHaM-IslaM: Doodh-Pati-Rocks
jkpa: Phoenix Full
Huey Yoong: Let the feast begins...
Priscilla P: flight by way of cap
naoko123: A Cup of Sakura-Mochi
Trey Ratcliff: One Night in Bangkok
Oduvanixa: sweet life:)
bubbletea1: heirloom tomatoes w/ peaches & basil $9
*~Tammy~*: Me and My Shadow
Eating In Translation: "Obama fish cake" sign at the West Indian Day Parade, Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn
ashxc: Starship
KarenMarleneLarsen: a vivid mystery
amanda (slh): such buttery flaky goodness
cMacSutt: How to cook shrimp
figgy photos: peach pits