ALL_CAPS: Canada's 41st Election—Explained
Jonas Naimark: People Boxed in at Queen and Spadina
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: NASA Earth's Light
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Blue Marble - 2002
W9NED: Is this thing on
Miss Edlynne: This is $600,000 worth of wine
eirikref: Polar Bears in Trondheim
Rob Huntley Photography - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Merrickville, Rideau River - Kite Aerial Photography (KAP)
NaturalLight: A Better Place for a Banff Canoe Ride
bodofotoz: DSC_3079.JPG- FOR JEDI GUY!
Kevin Steele: 1296 to 1300 Queen St W
Dustin Quasar: well locked bike
pyramidhead84: Invisible Sandwich
pyza*: Chmurka is MAD about tofu!!!
Kevin Steele: Bus in the Queen Street Subway
DanielN: Going Through Winter
acastellano: When Waves Collide
Sara Heinrichs (awfulsara): francesco in the fuzzies
(nz)dave: the coast road
Jim Bryson: lisawayne1.jpg
Thomas Hawk: Night on the Water
Kevin Steele: ossington at queen 2004
Junkgirl™: Fallen
Kevin Steele: “You talkin’ to me?”