omgdolls: 184/366 Beach life: Watching people
omgdolls: Swimming
omgdolls: Sunset beach walk
omgdolls: 185/366 Beach life: Let's go swimming
Evanadolls: ¡Vamos de paseo!
omgdolls: 103/366 Time to walk home
omgdolls: 120/366 Sunday stroll in Esslingen - Historic water mill
AO-Koun: Titina (Pullip Marie)
AO-Koun: Titina (Pullip Marie)
cybermelli: Shusha
Du Didier: Barbie got a lot of cards for Valentine's day. Midge got only one, but it's from Allan. Barbie left the room.
Leslieshappyheart: Birdwatching
omgdolls: 126/366 Happy no cake just cookie Friday!
AO-Koun: Serenata (Pullip by CharonDolls)
ale-xito23: A desayunar
serene.seahorse: Fashionable Yeti in the Mount Neverest
serene.seahorse: Fashionable Yeti in the Mount Neverest
Dolliina: Mirwen
Leslieshappyheart: Jan. 26: Skateboard
Sylwia M.: Winter surprises
AO-Koun: Barbie Mermaid Dreamtopia