diwan: Hegelstraße
Fran-cesca: Ho messo tra le cose da salvare...
iSidora mgn: Happy new year
Ribernico: fuzzy
Irene F.: Happy Halloween
David C Walker 1967: Leaping Red Squirrel - Explored # 1 on 22/10/2012
Grazia D'Addabbo: La musique souvent me prend comme une mer.
schaaflicht: r☼sita
UbeFoto: fuga da casa - escaping from the house
lauren {elycerose}: Take a picture of ME mom!
State Library of NSW: Louise Carbasse ca. 1913 / photographed by Rudolph Buchner
State Library of NSW: Bridesmaid and two flowergirls enter the church, St. Marks, Darling Point, c. 1930s by Sam Hood
State Library of NSW: Study of a small girl with a prize Scottish terrier dog, c. 1935 / by Sam Hood
Confused-Hair: Scarlet's Walk ...
Hel Des: Come on, I'll show you my world... : )
lauren {elycerose}: Silly Cate
lauren {elycerose}: anne with tree
gunnisal: Rainy Day in Copenhagen
Luiz106: prisoner
f.clerc: Harry Potter
Ribernico: fotografa