oipom: Papa Dave and Wesley
oipom: Roan
oipom: Baby Party
oipom: Baby Party
oipom: Baby Party
oipom: Baby Party
oipom: Baby Party
oipom: Baby Party
oipom: Sharon and Wesley
oipom: Nana Tami and Wesley
oipom: Nana Tami and Papa Dave
oipom: Grammy Angie and Wesley
oipom: Babycakes
oipom: Goat Tour
oipom: Sweet Cheeks
oipom: Papa Dave holds Wesley
oipom: "Wah! No hats!"
oipom: Cranky
oipom: Meagan and Roan
oipom: Roan's Sweet Face
oipom: Ducky Cake
oipom: Cousin Riley
oipom: Cousin Riley
oipom: Meggan and Wesley
oipom: "Jeeze, Mom."
oipom: Cousins
oipom: Sleepy Baby
oipom: Uncle Paul
oipom: Hand Holding
oipom: Hands