oipom: The children were impressed with this icicle that was even taller than Wesley! Related: maybe we should check up on our house’s insulation...
oipom: You can’t see it here, but Thora lost her second bottom tooth tonight at cousin Riley’s 10th birthday party!
oipom: After we ran out of quarters at the arcade! Thora kept saying “I look like a teenager!” about her outfit - she’s wearing a dress that my mom kept from when I was little.
oipom: Merry Christmas!
oipom: Christmas tree lighting! It was very cold.
oipom: Thora and I went to see Frozen 2 together!
oipom: I tried my hand at making kardemummabullar (Swedish cardamom buns) today after watching an episode of GBBO where Henry makes them, and I think it went well! They’re a delight.
oipom: We tried out Heart Bowls today and it was so yummy! Wesley got a chocolate bliss bowl and I got the pink pitaya.
oipom: My farmer’s market buddy today!
oipom: Thursday was Thora’s last day of preschool - she’s on to kindergarten in the fall!
oipom: Thora turns five today!
oipom: These two did a great job at the Easter egg hunt!
oipom: This hotel room has bunk beds! The kids are thrilled.
oipom: Picnic lunch in Nelson, B.C.!
oipom: Wesley is nine! 🎉
oipom: CDA Roller Derby sweatshirt and gold glitter eyeshadow today.
oipom: Wesley drew this “imaginary ghost friend” to be a placeholder in the card game he and Thora are playing together. It has a fancy mustache and a soul patch. #artworkbywesley
oipom: Merry Christmas from The Gunters!
oipom: Merry Christmas from The Gunters!
oipom: Thora got up an hour too early this morning and I could hear her rummaging around in the kitchen. Then she came out and showed me this: “pigs sneeze / and fish love water / plants grow in dirt / panda bears sneeze”
oipom: Our roller derby End Of Year Party was tonight! My secret buddy was Piña Kil’lotta so I dressed as her in a pineapple onesie 🍍 and she dressed as me (Valkyrie of Assguard) by wearing an ass garland! 😂 I’m so glad I got to come and see everyb
oipom: Thora cut her own hair this morning. It’s a little uneven but overall she did a pretty good job!
oipom: Wesley got to go to a Harry Potter party at our library today! It sounded amazing.
oipom: Rest and elevate! This is what my current splint looks like. It doesn’t go over my knee like the one I got in the ER, so it’s way easier to maneuver. Still very heavy though!
oipom: Ready for trick-or-treating!
oipom: Princess Bat and Minecraft Creeper!
oipom: Posting this photo feels like posting evidence that I’m terrible at roller derby, but! I skated in our “Night of the Living Dolls” bout last night! (📷: @misstariana)
oipom: Thora holding cousin Lyla!
oipom: One-foot skating! It’s one derby skill I feel like I’m really good at. ☺️
oipom: Thora drew a self-portrait at preschool today and was very amused to tell us that she added earrings (she does not actually have earrings). Also this looks nothing like any other person she has ever drawn and it’s amazing - it has a distinct body and head