marisapan: Life has REALLY sucked for the last month.
marisapan: Fireplace surround in progress
marisapan: Working with textured paint is frustrating and odd.
marisapan: Sometimes you have to improvise when you're short and trying to paint the stairwell ceiling
marisapan: Progress...... sort of. On the upstairs landing.
marisapan: Awkward in the stairwell with weird textured paint
marisapan: Geekdom
marisapan: Shannon starting his vision of the fireplace surround
marisapan: Painted framing. Boo ya.
marisapan: Reframing the wide lIving room door
marisapan: 2014-12-25_09-44-19
marisapan: 2014-12-25_09-43-53
marisapan: Not finished, but functional living room
marisapan: 2014-12-24_06-37-56
marisapan: 2014-12-24_06-37-26
marisapan: All I want for Christmas is a living room
marisapan: We decided to go with milk paint. We couldn't agree on a stain.
marisapan: And we painted the walls not once, but twice. Two different shades of blue.
marisapan: Finally finishing the floor
marisapan: I was totally NOT emotionally prepared for this weather. SNOW people.
marisapan: Starting to paint the living room. Holy Toledo i can't wait to actually have a living room again.
marisapan: Chose a blue/gray paint theme fit the living room. Variation thereof will go into the entrance hallway and up the stairs.
marisapan: Except for the edges. We have to rent an edge sander tomorrow. BTW, found a fireplace mantle at ReStore for $175!
marisapan: Living room floors sanded
marisapan: 2014-11-17_11-47-51
marisapan: 2014-11-17_11-47-20
marisapan: 2014-11-17_11-46-47
marisapan: imagejpeg_0
marisapan: TWBB
marisapan: Ceiling trim going up. Hopefully living room will be ready to paint in the next couple of weeks.