Nur Ismail Photography:
Common kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
Common kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
White-throated kingfisher, Taman Wetlands, Putrajaya
Nur Ismail Photography:
White-throated kingfisher, Taman Wetlands, Putrajaya
Nur Ismail Photography:
The male of Blue-eared kingfisher (Alcedo meninting) the tiny beautiful blue bird standing on the branch on green blur background.
Nur Ismail Photography:
The male of Blue-eared kingfisher (Alcedo meninting) the tiny beautiful blue bird standing on the branch on green blur background
Nur Ismail Photography:
Blue-eared kingfisher (Alcedo meninting)
Nur Ismail Photography:
Rufous-backed kingfisher (Ceyx rufidorsa)
Nur Ismail Photography:
Rufous-backed kingfisher (Ceyx rufidorsa)
Nur Ismail Photography:
White-throated kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis) or Smyrna kingfisher sitting on a metal pole in Putrajaya Wetlands.
Nur Ismail Photography:
White-throated kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis) or Smyrna kingfisher sitting on a metal pole in Putrajaya Wetlands.
Nur Ismail Photography:
White-throated kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis) or Smyrna kingfisher sitting on a metal pole in Putrajaya Wetlands.
Nur Ismail Photography:
White-throated kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
White-throated kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
White-throated kingfisher (juvenile)
Nur Ismail Photography:
White-throated kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
White-throated kingfisher [EXPLORED! 25.11.2019] (Lifer #5)
Nur Ismail Photography:
White-throated kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
White-throated kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
White-throated kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
Blue-eared kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
Common kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
Rufous-collared kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
Rufous-collared kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
Rufous-collared kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
Rufous-collared kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
Banded kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
Rufous-collared kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
Rufous-collared kingfisher
Nur Ismail Photography:
Rufous-collared kingfisher