PatriciaNicoloso: Sanhaçu-cinzento/Sayaca Tanager
yoosangchoo: Nightscape of LV Island Maison & Singapore Marina Bay
PeterThoeny: Starting the year with symbols of peace and exploration
christian.bezou: Grèbes huppés : Great Crested Grebes and chick
christian.bezou: cingle plongeur : qui veut manger 2 crevettes?
christian.bezou: Huppe fasciée / Eurasian hoopoe
christian.bezou: chouette effraie : Western Barn Owl
christian.bezou: Phoque seal
christian.bezou: Blongios nain / little bittern
christian.bezou: Hibou Moyen-duc Long-eared Owl
christian.bezou: Moyen-duc. Long-eared owl
christian.bezou: Rouge-queue à front blanc. Common redstart
christian.bezou: Tétras Lyre Black Grousse
christian.bezou: Grèbe huppé. Great Crested Grebe
christian.bezou: grèbe huppé et son petit/ Great Crested Grebe and its chick
christian.bezou: Martin pêcheur kingfisher
christian.bezou: Guêpier bee-eater
christian.bezou: Guêpiers
christian.bezou: Cormoran : miam!
teekay72: 1932 BMW AM1 - Verkehrsmuseum Dresden
shotbyharis: Barred eagle-owl
shotbyharis: Spectacled laughingthrush
shotbyharis: Spectacled laughingthrush
shotbyharis: Malayan laughingthrush
shotbyharis: Black hornbill
shotbyharis: Plain-pouched horbill
shotbyharis: Peregrine falcon
shotbyharis: Long-tailed shrike
shotbyharis: Black-sided flowerpecker
shotbyharis: Snowy-browed flycatcher