As |||: The tears..
As |||: The book of guidance
As |||: Healing
As |||: motion blur of sunser hunter
As |||: penantian..
As |||: tautan
As |||: Dalam rintis hujan
As |||: Moga hadirNya di celahan kekalutan qalbu
As |||: Harapan padaMu subur kembali
As |||: second last final examination
As |||: Learn everything you can
As |||: happiness shared together
As |||: Thanks Allah for giving us such a great companion around
As |||: Allah is closer, than your jugular vein
As |||: hatimu, ibu dan ayah..
As |||: Keep me close to you, Rabbi.
As |||: Always......
As |||: Jeram
As |||: Eid Mubarak 1431H
As |||: moga hati-hati ini disatukan dengan keimanan
As |||: Feeling of forever in heart
As |||: right here.
As |||: Never shall I forget the times we spent together
As |||: Pain is inevitable. Suffering is an option.
As |||: Kau Ilhamku
As |||: Ingin ku mengikut cahayaMu!
As |||: When you have Allah
As |||: Can miles truly separate us..?
As |||: Penawar segala rasa duka
As |||: Patience is most fitting