etravus: Koi Fish
(Erik): Lost
Gutemberg Ostemberg: Tranqüilidade - Tranquillity / Imagem Integrante da Mostra Fotográfica Cenas Sulistas / Repostagem
Julie Hovis: Lake Norman
Max Kehrli: Lover's Lane
notnA: through the forest on the way to the abbey
Christine Lebrasseur: 2006 most elected by you
Brunus: Retratos de Havana
Lord V: Frost #5
el patojo: Disclosure
geckonia: Weeping Willows
Leon Calquin: Gotas / Rain Drops
ebonyseptember: Untitled
Ricardo Bevilaqua: The Lost City of Machu Picchu
andertho: Music and Harvest, Interpreted
etravus: IMG_3552
No veo nada (Coke): La ventana (the window)
chotda: naga cupcake 2
~Kaku: Blue Haiku
evilnick: red rain
```Bidibibodibibù: notte a portovenere
Steve took it: drops of rose drops
ALOHA-EAGLE: Good Old Dreams.
vonvonvon: Temporarily Obsolete
Mr.Bones: Segregation