netgeek: Collecting sticky note cubes.
netgeek: Morning cappuccino and muffin. #deadrivercoffee #marquette
netgeek: Fresh homemade chicken noodle soup for the win.
netgeek: Classic Marquette lunch on a beautiful September day. #marquette #togossubs #picnicrocks
netgeek: Words to live by. #wisdom #shutup
netgeek: ...and done. #runwoodstock #50k #dumbideas.
netgeek: Corned Beef sandwich porn. #slawinsteadofkraut
netgeek: Shit just got real real. #runwoodstock #50k #freak50k #why #yeahineedanewcoffeetable
netgeek: Finally got around to getting PADD working one the LCD display on my Pi-Hole. #raspberrypi #pihole #padd #adblocker
netgeek: Hammock setup testing. #arrowheadequipment #turtledogstand #whoopieslings #hammock #hammockcamping
netgeek: Love the new shoes, but I think I’m going need to go up to size 15s. #topoathletics #bigshoeproblems #bigfootproblems #goodunderstanding
netgeek: The Wizard
netgeek: When in Milwaukee....
netgeek: A Grateful Dead cover band is the proper way to start off a music festival. #whistlestopreview #forestville2019 #ntn #forestville #marquette
netgeek: Platte Lake sunset.
netgeek: 14 and done. #running #training #longrun #badideas
netgeek: Ragnar Trail Michigan finish photo for the Drank Sinatras. #graylingmichigan #ragnar #ragnartrailmichigan
netgeek: Headed out on the first lap @ Hanson Hills Ragnar. #graylingmichigan #ragnar #ragnartrailmichigan
netgeek: Running the Green Trail.
netgeek: My view for the day. #volunteering #running #riverbendspark
netgeek: Five bags of Marquette followed us home. #marquette #deadrivercoffee
netgeek: Sun rising as we descend Hogback. #marquettemi #hogback #morningout
netgeek: Marquette before dawn.
netgeek: Sun setting on Marquette. #marquette #puremichigan #mtmarquette
netgeek: So cold!!! #icemassage #injuriessuck
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