JonBauer: love as thou wilt
Neil Crosby: Lego Zombie Massacre
Chris Blakeley: Hottie McNaughty - Candyman
House of Reeds: IMG_0786
House of Reeds: IMG_0787
sonek321: The Shanghai Pearl
Emy Mamede;♥: Esperança.
cheshirekatt_smile: toys shopping 24
cheshirekatt_smile: toys shopping 11
cheshirekatt_smile: toys shopping 22
cheshirekatt_smile: toys shopping 25
The Searcher: This droid ate my spreadsheet
meganary: r2d2
ReeBeckiSupergirl: No banging
KellBailey: Fremont Zombie Walk 2007
poopoorama: he's seen better days
Suzanne Forbes artist: A recent commission
The Searcher: Which um, what again exactly will save me here?