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albums of Sam Pallas
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Red Poll
Hummingbird Moth and Prarie Grasses with Thistles
Victorian Waterlillies at the MBG
Rubber Jerry and the Waterfalls
'scapes,Flowers, bees, dragonflies, praying mantis
Fireworks 4th of July at Cactus Canyon, MO
unidentified birds
Baltimore Oriel
Barn swallow aka Hirundo rustica
Alder flycatcher
Downy Woodpecker
American Gold-finch
Wild Turkey== Rend Lake Ilinois
Ruddy Turnstone aka Arenaria interpres
redheaded wood pecker and ladder-backed
Black necked Stilts aka Himantopus mexicanus
Landscapes, seascapes, flowers and
red shouldered hawk buteo lineatus
eastern willet Tringa semipalmata
Piping Plover aka Charadrius alexandrinus
snipe or dowitcher
Laughing Gulls aka Larus atricilla and one other type
Great Horned Owl and Chicks
Wild Turkey aka Osceola or Florida (M. g. osceola)
BLue Jay
American White pelican
Northern Mocking bird
Reddish Egret Egretta rufescens
Least sandpiper
Little Blue Heron aka Egretta caerulea
Snowy Egret aka Egretta thula
Red-breasted Merganser aka Mergus serrator
Ring-billed gull aka Larus delawarensis
Spotted Sandpiper aka Actitis macularius
Palm Warbler Dendroica palmarum
Colaptes auratus or northern flicker
Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias
Tri Colored Heron
Limpkin or Aramus guarauna
Anhinga or 'snake bird'
Wood Stork Mycteria americana
Great Egret Ardea alba
Brown Pelican
American Coot
Ducks mallard mottled
My Family
Sandhill Cranes
Eastern Blue Bird Sialia sialis
Killdeer aka Charadrius vociferus
White Ibis
Great Cormorant
Muscovy Ducks
Mute Swans
Winter Cardinals in Snow Storm
Humming Birds
Eastern Medowlark
Redtailed Hawk in my neighborhood
Scanned from Old Slides -- Family Photos from pre 1965
Moor Hen
Red-winged Blackbird
Black Vulture on dead tree limb
Cattle Egret
Cherokee Street Homes and Shops
The Central West End -- Homes and sights
Mom's 80th Birthday Party
Elegant Homes of Lafayette Square in Saint Louis, MO
Blue Grosbeak
rosy spoonbill or Platalea ajaja
Pheasant at Rend Lake IL
Grad School Lab pix
Camp Mars FL 2007
Shop Photos
Other Photos
Camping my rv
Family and Friends
Springfield IL Oct 2009
Tower Grove Park Sept 09
Saint Louis Zoo
Lafayette Park 9/09
Missouri Botanical Gardens
Sculpture Park
Pride 2009 St. Louis, MO
Tower Grove Park
Wisteria in Bloom -- First Time!
My City Home
Pics with Fredric at Lafayette Square Park StL MO
Travels with Jerry Key West and Padre Island
Max my Cat
Photos of Birds